About us

The Charity was founded to support and empower Batswana living with Dementia as well as those with Cardiovascular diseases and people involved in their care. In Botswana as in many other African countries, there is no equivalent term for dementia in any local language, while there is also a general lack of awareness of dementia among the community. The most prominent belief regarding the underlying cause of dementia is that although not experienced by everyone, dementia-like symptoms are part of “normal ageing”. In extreme cases born of fear and ignorance, people with dementia are perceived to be witches, inevitably resulting in discrimination, isolation and instances of violence.

The foundation through its Dementia Botswana service, aims to raise awareness of Dementia and to support and empower people living with this disease. Bring hope through education about what Dementia is and what it is not as well as help people afflicted to continue to live meaningful lives, as well as supporting their care partners.

We aim to involve people impacted by dementia and their experiences in our activities and decision-making, to make sure we are representative of the diverse range of dementia experiences across Botswana. We plan to amplify the voices of people impacted by dementia through advocating and sharing stories to help inform and inspire others.

Pelonomi Foundation’s Healthy Hearts is a Cardiovascular Disease awareness service whose mission is to help communities reduce the risk of developing CVD, which is currently one of the leading killers in our society. Through a team of dieticians, nurses and weight management practitioners, Healthy Hearts runs a menu of healthy lifestyle programmes, which are clinically proven to reduce the risks of suffering from Cardiovascular Disease in the near future, and later in life. The community-based health improvement interventions include weight management, healthy eating cookery classes and physical activity sessions. Those who qualify will have their own Healthy Heart Care Planner who will be with them every step of the way to check and monitor their progress.

Depending on what your risk factors are and how ready you feel you are to make changes, our team will help decide which parts of the programme you take part in.

Pelonomi Foundation aims to be the source of trusted information, education and support services. We advocate for positive change for people living with these dreadful non-communicable diseases, their families and carers, and play a role in support of vital research in Botswana.

It is our strongest aim to work closely with the government of Botswana to elevate the voices of a diverse cross-section of people impacted by non-communicable diseases, to ensure their thoughts are considered in future policy decisions.

Our Vision

To create awareness, educate and care.!

Our Mission

To raise awareness on Dementia and Cardiovascular diseases and make them national health priorities, to support and empower people living with these diseases and their care partners. Bring hope through education about what Dementia and Cardiovascular diseases are and what they are not as well as help people afflicted to continue to live meaningful lives, as well as supporting their care partners.

Our Aims are to:

  • Provide a Blood Pressure mobile testing centres for Botswana communities
  • Provide non-medical, easy to understand Dementia awareness materials and resources for individuals,civic organisations and communities at large.
  • Provide a menu of healthy lifestyle programmes in the community to bring about awareness on Cardiovascular Diseases.
  • To provide quality-of-life programs within communities and in public dementia friendly forums that emphasize meaningful therapies for those living with dementia and their care givers.

Our Values are:

Pelonomi Foundation is a member of Botswana Council of Non-Governmental Organisations (Bocongo) and also enjoys the support of Alzheimer’s Disease International